Monday, May 21, 2012

Tortilla Making!

In a quest to eat less processed foods and to try to have a diet composed of whole foods, my husband and I made our own tortillas for dinner tonight. Turns out, they are very easy to make and also extremely delicious. We used a recipe found on a blog called Handle the Heat. Give it a try!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ashley's Bachelorette Party!

On Saturday, April 29th, 6 fabulous girls took a trip to downtown Chicago to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Ashley (3rd from the left) to Brian:

This is the best picture we had of all of us that wasn't on an iPhone. Thanks to the random  tourist who offered to take this for us!

We took a boat cruise down the Chicago River:

These images have been photoshopped into dramatic skies and bright colors because the day was rather drab indeed. For more realistic images of Chicago whilst overcast, see Google.

After our day downtown, we came back to a lovely party spread complete with mini blueberry cheesecakes, mini quiche, balsamic and tomato pizza, and fresh fruit. We spent the evening together talking and eating wonderful food.